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A Beginner’s Guide to Swimming Pool Maintenance
Owning a pool is a big privilege, and there are so many advantages of having your own private place to swim and splash around with family and friends. However, in order to keep on enjoying your pool, you need to keep it clean and well-maintained. In this guide, we’ll cover all you need to know about how to maintain a pool, including some crucial pool maintenance for beginners advice and tips.
The Basic Components of a Swimming Pool
Before we look at how to take care of a pool and the best pool maintenance methods, we’ll first focus on some of the key components of a typical pool. Knowing your pool and understanding the different parts if key when it comes to proper pool cleaning and being able to keep the whole pool system running smoothly.
Pool Water
Obviously, one of the main parts of any pool is the water itself. This is what you swim around in, and it needs to be kept clean and safe to protect you and your family and friends from any contaminants, chemical imbalances, or other possible dangers.
Pool Interior
Another key component you need to think about for pool maintenance is the interior of your pool, which refers to the interior walls and the pool floor. These surfaces are constantly in contact with the water and can degrade or wear down over time. Keeping them clean and intact will help to extend the lifespan of your pool.
Pool Filter System
If you want to know how to keep a pool clean, you can’t overlook the importance of the filter system. This is the beating heart of the whole pool, constantly working to keep dirt and contaminants out of the water. The filter system effectively does a lot of swimming pool maintenance for you, but it also needs maintenance of its own to avoid breaking down.
Pool Skimmers and Returns
Finally, we have the skimmers and returns. These components are used to draw water into the filter system for cleaning and then return it back into the main pool area once it’s all clean. Just like the filter, the skimmers and returns are constantly carrying out pool maintenance for you, but you have to keep the clean and clear to get the best results.
How to Maintain a Pool
So, we’ve seen some of the key components you need to know about, and now let’s take a look at some pool maintenance for pool tips and tricks that every pool owner should be aware of.
Water Circulation
When it comes to pool maintenance for beginners, one of the first things to learn is that moving water is much cleaner and safer than still water, which is why it’s so important to keep your pool’s water flowing and circulating at all times. This can help to prevent algae growth, cloudiness, and other issues.
Your pool’s pump is the main component that keeps circulation going, and if you have the budget and means, it’s best to keep the pump running at all times to keep the water moving. Of course, this isn’t feasible for everyone, so you could also aim to keep the pump going for around 10+ hours a day as part of your swimming pool maintenance plan.
Cleaning Schedule
Swimming pool maintenance is made much easier with flowing, moving water, but you can’t just leave the pump on and expect the pool to clean itself. You’ll also need to put some physical effort into pool maintenance basics like brushing the walls and skimming away any surface debris.
It’s a good idea to set up your own cleaning schedule, making sure to take a look at your pool on a regular basis and carry out some simple cleaning. For your weekly maintenance for pool, you can use tools like a pool vacuum and net skimmer to get rid of dirt, leaves, debris, and so on.
Balancing Water Chemistry
Another essential part of pool maintenance for beginners is understanding your pool’s chemistry. Knowing how to balance your pool’s pH can seem complicated and scary at first, just like trying to winterize a pool, and many new owners may be intimidated or worried about handling all of those chemicals, but once you get the hang of it, it should become quite simple.
You can use testing kits to determine your pool’s pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels and then add chemicals to adjust the balance as needed. Just make sure to read the details of each product, follow the instructions carefully, and ask for advice or help with pool maintenance basics from professionals if you’re not sure about anything.
Create a Maintenance Schedule
It doesn’t matter whether you’re working with in-ground pools, saltwater pools, or above-ground pools, having a maintenance schedule is one of the best ways to keep the water and components clean and safe. By setting up a schedule, you’ll be able to keep up with all of the necessary maintenance tasks and deal with any problems in your pool early on, rather than giving those problems time to develop and worsen.
As you can see, pool maintenance is really important if you want to have safe, clean water to swim around in and a pleasant, problem-free pool to enjoy. We hope that this guide has given you some useful advice for setting up your weekly maintenance for pool schedule, and we encourage new owners to carry out additional research and learn all you need to know to keep your pool clean and clear.